Gold, Silver, ... made history but Bitcoin is shaping the future.
What does it mean for us ? Is all of this just an illusion ? How does it all fit together ?
New Crypto with only 5,000 NexM total supply and to make 5000 people millionaires in 2024. Price of 1 nexM to hit $1000 to $10,000 USD. This limited coin will make it scarce, valuable, and expensive. It will be more expensive than bitcoin in the nearest future.
Only 5,000 NexMs as total supply
NexMs solana will be scarce, valuable and expensive because there are only 5000 tokens in existence.
Presale date is 23rd-30th march 2024
Presale price is at $20 and at launch the price will be very high
It's a FAIR sale presale
* Earn 5% affiliate commission
All our presales were always successful and people made profits
Buy as many as you can
On 1st April; Cmc & Cex will list NExms, and we shall launch our utility projects; social media app, Ecommerce app, Crypto university, and foundation.